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what it is and how it can help you in your business

Hotmart AI is Hotmart’s artificial intelligence tool created to help. Therefore, Content creators structure their online courses. Hotmart is constantly concerned with providing the best. Experience to users of the platform and ensuring that. They find in it the necessary solutions to create. Therefore, Sell and scale online businesses . During the FIRE Festival 2023 , João Pedro Resende (JP). CEO and founder of Hotmart, made reference to. This positioning of the company in his presentation. “Hotmart has built a series of solutions. To help foster the market, and to help people to build businesses that have often started from scratch.”

How to use Artificial Intelligence in your business

Therefore, As we told you at the beginning of this post, Hotmart AI is a tool that uses artificial. Intelligence to structure online courses .Therefore,  Launched on the market. In March 2023, the tool is easy to use and is Indonesia Whatsapp Number List designed for those. Who want to start or promote a digital business. Therefore, Everyone can access it and obtain. Insights on how to structure and sell an online. Course according to the niche in which you want to invest. Hotmart AI uses publicly available information. In the chatGPT language model . Therefore, Discovers the best combination of questions to generate the most relevant results possible, and then organizes them in a user-friendly and easy-to-understand way.

How to create your online course with Hotmart Artificial Intelligence

Now that you know what Hotmart AI is and the benefits it can bring to your business. Therefore, We are going to explain, step by step and with examples. How to use this tool. Keep reading! 1. Access the Hotmart AI website . 2.In the search bar, enter your course topic, like in the ALB Directory image below: 3. Therefore, Click the orange arrow. On the right of the screen to have Hotmart AI start processing your search. 4. Ready! In a matter of seconds, the best strategy to sell your online course. Therefore, And the most appropriate structure to create it will be displayed. It is important to highlight that the sales strategy suggested by Hotmart. AI includes pre-launch and launch tips. The communication channels where you can promote it, the avatar. That is, the people you should attract and on whom you should focus your marketing efforts.

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