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World Earth Day 2023

Climate change , which has been underway for a long time. Is having significant impacts on people, companies and more generally, on the economy.

From extreme climate events to a lack of resources to growing poverty. The “health” of the planet is in danger and the effects of the state of climate emergency are more and more evident every day.

According to the latest report conducted by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). The temperature growth rate is the highest ever recorded. Just as the intensity and frequency of natural disasters are constantly increasing.

Sustainability is increasingly important for people and brands

On the occasion of World Earth Day , which Jiangxi Mobile Database occurs annually on April 22nd. Ninja Marketing invites us to reflect on the reasons why becoming. “Green” companies is an absolute necessity – no longer just an alternative – thanks to the advice of Saverio Schiano. Head of Sales for Italy Pinterest.

Saverio Schiano Pinterest

Why has it become essential to communicate sustainability? And what would you advise brands to avoid greenwashing?

Sustainability should not be overlooked at a business level .

Companies and marketers must, in fact, take action to improve the environment. This is a decisive move to overcome the challenges of the future and meet the desires of people, who – in ever-increasing numbers – are finding out about the environmental impact of their actions.

What are the environmental trends seen among consumers recently

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Consumers are increasingly looking for insights ALB Directory into the latest eco-trends in order to change their lifestyle, from choosing more environmentally friendly products to reducing meat consumption to low environmental impact means of transport.

There is a desire to fully understand the ecological changes taking place and consequently, to act to counter them in everyday life (Gen Z and Millennials are the main promoters of this radical green push).

Over 90% of people on Pinterest search the platform for inspiration on a weekly basis for activities aimed at reducing their ecological footprint such as recycling, donating items, reducing plastic use, purchasing energy-efficient appliances and support for local businesses.

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