What You Need to Know Before Buying an Electric Bong
Whether you’re a regular or an occasional flower user, there’s a good chance that you’ve heard about electric bongs, otherwise known as electric dab rigs. If so, you might have wondered what the hype is all about. Well, if you want to know the 411 about electric bongs, you’ve come to the right place. Read on and figure out whether or not buying an electric dab rig is in your immediate future.
The electric bong is a newcomer
The electric bong is a newcomer in the world of flower consumption. It’s one of the Algeria Whatsapp Number List newer smoking devices that have gained significant popularity in recent years, alongside the portable dry herb vaporizer and electric-powered desktop vaporizer. Just like its modern counterparts, the electric dab rig combines vaporizer technology with electricity.
Often intense experience
Electric bongs are capable of generating high temperatures that can be controlled with precision to ALB Directory produce vapor from concentrated dry herb products like shatters or wax. This method of dry herb consumption can give you a unique, flavorful.