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What is work stress and how to avoid it

What is work The question of what work stress is is increasingly common. Among people who find themselves in such a demanding work environment. That it affects their physical and emotional well-being. Therefore, And also applies to those. Who have or are starting their own business . What is work The State of the Global Workplace 2021 Report study , carried out by the consulting company Gallup in 2020 and in which 116 countries participated. Revealed that 43% of employees guarantee. That they have already suffered work stress at some point in their lives. Therefore, The excessive pressure that occurs in work environments mainly. Affects the inhabitants of nations such as the United States and Canada, but Europe and Latin America are not exempt.

What are the main symptoms of work stress

Therefore, The symptoms of work stress vary from one person to another and. Are classified as physical and emotional, as we explain in more detail below. What is work Physical symptoms They are those that are perceived Iran Whatsapp Number List through. Pain and sensations in specific parts of the body. Therefore, These are the most recurring ones. Fatigue Headache body aches Insomnia Muscle tension. Therefore, Weakening of the immune system. Gastrointestinal disorders Changes in appetite. Cardiovascular problems emotional symptoms. They are those that we experience. When we are faced with adverse situations. With work stress, these are the most common emotional symptoms. Anxiety Nervousness Irritability Humor changes Lack of motivation . Depression Difficulty concentrating.

Define boundaries between work and personal life

Therefore, Establishing a barrier between work and personal life is essential. For emotional stability. So don’t bring work home and let your days off be to recharge your batteries. Therefore, Likewise, if you have a business. Even a small one , make sure you allow your employees to also have ALB Directory leisure hours to “disconnect.” What is work Manage your time Time management allows you to manage. Tasks more efficiently and make better use of the work day. Therefore, In addition. Organizing the periods for each task will help you set realistic goals and have a more flexible schedule .

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