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Reason why you should rather

 prefer to have few links but of good quality rather than many of low quality. Links positioned in the content are also much more effective than links in the sidebar or in the footer. And above all. be sure to position these links on sites in your theme! To improve your netlinking. it is useful to use solutions like SmartKeyword.io to analyze the competition and the relevance of your backlinks. It is a complete and intuitive SEO tool coupled with a dedicated SEO expert to support you. 2.


 Avoid duplicate content at all costs Duplicate content is a plague watched very closely by our friend Google. So you have to watch out for duplicate content first internally but also externally. Never publish content from another site without permission on yours. but more importantly never copy paragraphs. texts from another site to publish them on yours. the same goes for images and videos. Google does not like these practices at all and this can have a negative impact on the positioning of the sites concerned. 3. 


Quality first! Give your website quality

content. which can bring real added value Indonesia Phone Number List to passing Internet users. If you do it right. your articles will be authoritative in your field and thus you will more easily gain the trust of your visitors. If you don’t have enough time to devote to this task. you can always hire someone to do it for you. There are many ways to find a web editor: Simply ask the question on a Facebook group specializing in SEO or web writing (there are several). Use a TextBroker type writing platform Hire a freelancer on a platform like 5euros Finding a good copywriter takes time.


 but it can save you a lot more later! And do not forget ! Quality content will convince the user to stay longer and discover the rest of your site! Content is therefore a key element of reader loyalty. It is also a very important factor in an SEO strategy. Google not only consults the raw keywords present on your pages. it also analyzes the semantics of the site. He focuses on studying the content and he tries to understand what the site offers to readers. All this in order to send Internet users.


 Who use them. to pages that best correspond to

Phone Namber List

their requests. Content is the basic element of SEO. There are many great-looking websites with a great design – but which are sinking in Google  ALB Directory rankings because of their lack of content. especially quality content. In summary. make articles long. easy to read. airy and insert some images. Below is an infographic that outlines how to structure your blog posts: Souryour site content Filling your site with quality content is good. but doing it regularly is even better. There is no set rule regarding the frequency of 


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