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BookToker who they are and what they do

Splattered on various social networks as a trend topic these days, we find the new Esselunga La Pesca commercial. A simple story that however split the public’s reactions in two.

If on the one hand there are those who appreciated the good feelings and interpreted the film as a contemporary and melancholic glimpse of a current Italian family facing separation, on the other hand, there are those who contest the commercial, pointing it out as representation of a stereotype that recalls the necessary need for a traditional, united family unit.In the world of books on TikTok, influencers are called booktokers. The word derives from the union of the terms  book  and  toker (a term that defines the content creator on TikTok).

They review books, give advice on readings, inform on releases, as well as organize exchanges of tomes. They are capable of influencing sales, as recognized by publishing experts.

A striking example was the case of the book ” The Song of Achilles”  by Madeleine Muller (2011) which, after the reviews of Selen Velez , the most famous American bookmaker (on TikTok moongirlreads ), sold 10 thousand copies in one day.

Booktokers are the reference literary critics of Generation Z. They transform the review activity into quick opinions (often videos), fresh and created with the language of social media.

5 BookTokers to follow

In Italy, there are different names to follow Conduit Cn Mobile Database to stay updated on literary news, all with a large following of followers:

Arianna Craviotto (@ arianna_craviotto ) , boasts 572 thousand followers, passionate about the Harry Potter saga and Disney classics;

Valentina Ghetti (@ book.addicted ) ,  morning teacher, booktoker in her free time with her 260 thousand followers;

Megi Bulla (@ labibliotecadidaphne ), has more than 430 thousand followers and mainly deals with reviews of the fantasy genre;

Martina Levato ( @levv97 ), posted her first video during the lockdown and today has around 347 thousand followers;

Magdalena Rosa ( @magsbook ), known as Maggie , a university student with a passion for books, has a following of 240 thousand followers. Among her contents, there is the “to be read” list, a list of texts that she will read over time, to inform interested parties.

Teendrama is the most read genre among BookTok lovers

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According to data from Il Libraio,  the most popular literary ALB Directory genre among followers of the booktok hashtag are Young Adult novels, aimed at an audience generally between 12 and 18 years old.

They deal with themes such as first loves, sex, friendship, adventures at school, but also topics such as the search for one’s identity, bullying, inclusiveness, eating disorders and suicide.

But they don’t just propose plots based on reality, they often tell dystopian stories, with apocalypses of various kinds, with zombies and supernatural creatures as protagonists.

The category also includes adaptations of classics in a contemporary key, such as  The Silence of Water by Louise O’Neill, a reinterpretation of the most famous  The Little Mermaid  by Andersen, among the most read of the genre.

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