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Web Design and Conversion: 6 Essential Tips

A web design should not only be beautiful. It should also be effective. Fortunately, web design and conversion do not have to be mutually exclusive. A well-thought-out web design stimulates conversion. In the past, a website was often just a business card. Now, in addition to a communication and marketing channel, a website has also become a commercial channel.
Directly or indirectly, a good website generates business. It provides leads and increasingly direct purchases. A modern web design focuses not only on the aesthetic but especially on the effective. It ensures that the visitors of your website quickly and easily do what you want them to do. Contact, download something or buy a product.

We call that a well-converting website.

How can you tailor your web design to conversion?
We are happy to give you some essential tips:

1. Make the action you expect from your visitor (very) clear
Put a contact form or a ‘register now’ button on your landing page. And make sure it stands out. Stands out. It should be immediately clear to the visitor. How do you do that?

Make your contact form a contrasting color from the rest of the page;

Place your button or call to action in an eye-catching Phone Number Library: Eradication of an Error Also — we were refreshing our phone number library weekly! Based List Website Data Bаѕе And High europe cell phone number list Roolution Siz Or Volum. we have total however up to date until Aug 2024 Our phone number library a days n nights assisting manual as we type the facts thru pros men and women thats why get one hundred% correct consequences in our telephone range library. container or frame. Package it in such a way that it immediately grabs the visitor’s attention.
2. Use white space
Actually a logical consequence of the previous tip. If there is enough white space around it, your elements stand out more. Your white space does not have to be white. It is mainly about giving all the elements on your page space. Empty space does not distract visitors, so their attention is drawn to the content. A page with a lot of white space is also more pleasant for visitors to read; they can scan the content more easily and therefore immediately see what the page is about. Some advice:


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Divide your content into short paragraphs and clear bullet points;

Make the line height of your text at least 150% (css: line-height: 1.5;);
Give small fonts enough space between them, then they are easier to read. An even wider line height if necessary;
Create enough space between the basic elements of your website (menu, sidebar, footer,…).
3. Pay attention to the use of color
So your white space doesn’t have to be white. Choose the right 2024 indonesia telegram users library resource colors for your purpose and audience. Think about which colors convey which feeling and intention and use the ones that best fit what you have in mind. It doesn’t have to be difficult:

Orange for an offer, because this is associated with a low price;

Blue inspires more confidence, so it is often found in banks and insurance companies;
Black suggests luxury and exclusivity.
A  good infographic about color and web design can be found on Neil Patel’s website .

4. Implement directional signs
Directional signs? Yes, don’t let your visitors wander around your page on their own. Subtly tell them where to go:

An arrow to the contact form;
If you use photos of people, have them point or look in the direction of your call to action;
Strong contrasts or white space around an element.

5. Create a sense of scarcity and urgency

Do you have a sale or promotion running? Let your website visitor know that they shouldn’t wait too long to decide. For example:

Today only: 1+1 free;
10% discount for the first 10 registrations;
Only x number left available.
The visitor has the feeling that these are unmissable actions and will therefore respond more quickly.

6. Social proof / Customer testimonials

Build trust with your visitors by showing who uses your products and agent email list what their experiences are. Testimonials can help you reinforce claims you make about your product. If you sell user-friendly software, quote testimonials from users who talk about it. Also include company logos, especially if your customer base includes well-known companies.


Photo source: Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

A final word
These are general rules. It is not possible to draw up a framework that works for everyone and for every website. Every sector is different, every target audience has its own wishes.

Design and layout must serve the purpose

If you have beautiful photos or banners, but they distract the visitor from a possible conversion, then you better adjust them or even say goodbye to them. Because of course you want a website that works, that makes money.

It is therefore important to investigate in advance what and who you want to reach. With what you can seduce them. And then to continue to evaluate your web design for its effectiveness. By measuring conversion, doing A/B testing or multivariate testing, optimizing your user experience, and so on. Do you need help?  We are here for you.

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