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The meaning of employer branding

Employer branding is the process of defining and maintaining a positive. Image of a company as a possible employer. Therefore it is closely related to the way in The meaning of employer branding. Which the company is perceived by current and potential employees. Obviously, a better perception of the company as a workplace. Also contributes to improving the positioning of the brand in the market.

Richard Branson himself, founder of Virgin, tried to explain the strategic. Importance of employer branding by declaring: ” Customers don’t come first. It’s employees who come first. If you take care of employees, they will take care of customers.” “.

The main components of employer branding

At the basis of employer branding there Jordan Mobile Database are some steps to consider. Which are fundamental for an ideal brand positioning strategy in the world of work:

the definition of the company’s Employer Brand in which the mission. Vision and value proposition are expressed.


managing the company’s reputation .

McKinsey & Co a lesson to follow in employer branding

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One of the most interesting case histories is ALB Directory represented by McKinsey & Co. The most famous brand in the world in management consultancy which. In 2020, had 30 thousand employees. Its employee value proposition has always been clear. Whoever leaves McKinsey & Co. can work anywhere . A promise kept if you consider that, in 2000, 70 former. Employees of the company were among the CEOs of companies in the Fortune 500.

But what differentiates McKinsey & Co. from other players? The constant effort to strengthen the history and identity of the company. To encourage the inclusion of talent among its employees.

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