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How to index a blog on Google?

4 ways and seo copywriting techniques can to indexed and found by users online

It was the 90s and bill gates was already prophesying: if you’re not on the internet, you don’t exist . Today we know how true this is.

Yet we often don’t know how to make it real. To really be on the internet in fact. We must make sure that we find ourselves in the search lists proposed by search engines. In two words: it need to be  index as a file.

If you want users to find you, you need to be have that indexed. But how to make sure this happens? There are some techniques that help us, let’s see which ones.

4 ways to index your site on Google

Every search engine, before creating an index of results. New database must analyze everything circulating on the web and catalog it. And it does it in 3 steps:

1.Scan , for analysis of all contents

2.Indexing , or the insertion of pages into search results

3.Positioning , I.E. The visibility of the content in the serp.

Indexing, therefore, allows your pages to be in the list of results. When a user asks a question to the search engine, such as on google.

We suggest 4 ways to ensure this step is addressed as quickly and correctly as possible.

Crawl the website

During the scanning phase. Your pages are analyzed by the special software (crawlers). Which establish the type of content through the links present. ALB Directory you need to make sure that these crawlers actually have access to the pages . In fact, it may happen that despite detecting the page, the crawlers are unable to access it. Result? The pages remain excluded from the contents index and are not offered to the public.

Avoiding this condition is possible. First check that the noindex tag is not active . In fact, if it were active, google would receive the command not to index, to the detriment of your article.

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