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Focus on Marketing and Digital

Also relying on Crebs, the sector data reports.

The majority of professionals alternate face-to-face work and smart working, even if a good 24% forgot smart working 2 years ago.

The 2022 and 2023 salary remained unchanged.

Advertising agencies and digital agencies retain the majority of talent.

Work/life balance and interest in the work done push the salary to third. Place in the ranking of importance for choosing a place to work.

Training in the “benefits” field is added to the points above.

In the “job I would like” we see ourselves mainly in the agency or as an internal resource for the client.

But let’s get down to the numbers now. How much does the market pay?

IT, Information Technology, always growing and destined to grow given. The direction of where the world is going.

Digital Marketing

In line with 2022, customer experience, data driven approach, social 1000 Mobile Database media acquisition. Digital at the service of professions dedicated to attracting and keeping new customers.

job market

The most searched roles within the Digital Marketing market.

Today we find ourselves in a historical moment in which the coexistence of different. Generations in the workplace is one of the characteristics that most differentiate it compared to a few years ago.

Boomers and Gen Z coexist together, so the company must be able to coexist but also to take. The best from this co-presence, facilitating the passage of information and training processes. From the oldest to the youngest and taking from this coexistence the real competitive advantage.

Covid generation

Phone Number List

GWI has created a report to try to provide a clear snapshot ALB Directory of Generation A and discover the characteristics and trends of tomorrow’s consumers.

They are often called “children of Covid”, but in reality what profoundly affected their lives were some collateral aspects of the pandemic: the lockdown and social distancing.

Both those born in 2010 and those born in 2020 (or shortly before), members of Generation Alpha have had to learn to manage new emotions and deal with the need to be away from relatives and friends.

Social distance has become a natural fact for them (especially for the little ones), so much so that many of the natural impulses and tendencies inherent in children – approaching their peers, playing together, holding hands – have gradually been remodeled until give life to a new type of sociality that they will have to deal with even as adults.

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