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KPI in Marketing

KPI in marketing is what allows management to correctly analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of the work performe by specialize specialists. Not all directors and owners of companies know how to evaluate the results of the marketing department. But this is important, as it helps to understand how professional, qualifie, competent, motivate, active and determine the employees are to achieve the goals provide for by the business strategy. In this article, read everything about KPI: what it is, what criteria must be analyze, and how to calculate important indicators.


KPI for a marketer: what is the essence

Marketing department KPI is an English abbreviation that contains three words: Key Performance Indicators. This phrase special database is translate as: key performance indicators. But some experts and authors of business books doubt the last word, because the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) offers two options for interpreting the term “performance”:


Efficiency. This concept characterizes the relationship between the results obtaine and the resources expende. In other words, it is the ability of the organization’s employees to implement plans and achieve goals in accordance with the establishe level or quality standards. The degree of achievement is expresse in certain requirements, such as actual financial costs, proximity to the intende goals, time.


special database

This concept shows the extent to which the company’s intende results have been achieve, and the extent to which the organization is able to focus on the goals set by management.

In other words, KPI is an indication of the success of an activity: the results achieve taking into account the resources spent on solving problems, as well as the proximity to the intende goals. This is a set of measurable criteria by which one can evaluate the work of a marketer and understand how well or, on the contrary, poorly he copes with his duties – promotes products on the market, increases sales volumes, attracts new clients.



Useful information! The Russian version of the abbreviation is KPI, but it is not entirely correct. A more accurate abbreviation is KPE.


It is relatively easy to analyze the sales manager’s KPI, because the assessment of his/her performance can be quantitative. It is enough to calculate how many calls such an employee made, how many new clients he/she attracte, how many goods or services he/she sold. In this case, it is clear how the manager cope with his/her tasks, as well as what influence the results he/she obtaine.


KPI for a marketer

But it is much more difficult to effectively and accurately analyze the work of a marketer. After all, marketing was ist die marketingstrategie? is a whole complex of measures that promote the product being sold. And it is far from always possible to understand what a specific specialist has achieve, especially with a large number of employees in the marketing department.



In order for the analysis of the main indicators of the real effectiveness of a marketer to be as effective as possible, all KPIs must be:


Measurable. This criterion implies the possibility of measuring the results obtaine.

Personal. Performance evaluation should relate to the work of a specific employee.

What should the KPIs be?

Targete. All analyze indicators should be closely linke to the goals that the organization strives to achieve.

Proportional. This means that the uab directory marketing department’s indicators should be studie in proportion to the resources that were spent on getting closer to the intende results.

The entire evaluation system should be built on the liste points, otherwise the analysis will be ineffective.


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