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Compare your offer against those of

And divide the nefits by the cost to arrive at value. Market determines and communicates that value. This is the step yond keyword match. When we use keyword match we’re trying to determine intent. We’re doing a little demographic breakdown. This next step is to find out what the customer values. If we give the customer what they value, they’re more likely to engage and less likely to click back. What Does The Customer Value? A key question of marketing is “which customers does this business serve”? Seems like an obvious question, but it can be difficult to answer. Does a gym serve people who want to get fit? Yes, but then all gyms do that, so how would they be differentiated? Obviously, a gym serves people who live in a certain area. So, if our gym is in Manhattan, our customer becomes “someone.

Who wants to get fit in Manhattan

Perhaps our gym is upmarket and expensive. So, our customer becomes “people who want to get fit in Manhattan and be pampered and are prepared to pay more for it”. And so on, and so on. They’re really questions and statements about the value proposition as perceived by the customer, and then delivered by the business. So, value based marketing is about delivering value to a customer. This syncs with Google’s proclaimed goal in search, which is to put users first by delivering results they deem to have value, and not just pages that match a  Telecommunications Email List keyword term. Keywords need to be seen in a wider context, and that context is pretty difficult to establish if you’re standing outside the search engine looking in, so thinking in terms of concepts related to the value proposition might.

Be a good way to go Value Based

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SEO Strategy The common SEO approach, for many years, has started with keywords. It should start with customers and the business. The first question is “who is the target market” and then ask what they value. Relate what they value to the business. What is the value proposition of the business? Is it aligned? What would make a customer value this business offering over those of competitors? It might be price. It might be convenience. It’s probably a mix of various things, but be sure to nail down the specific value propositions. Then think of some ALB directory customer questions around these value propositions. What would be the likely customer objections to buying this product? What would be points that need clarifying? How does this offer differ from other similar offers.

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