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What are the perceived problems in this industry

Make a list of such questions. These are your article topics. You can glean this information by either interviewing customers or the business owner. Each of these questions, and accompanying answer, becomes an article topic on your site, although not necessarily in Q&A format. The idea is to create a list of topics as a basis for articles that address specific points, and objections, criteria. Providing value is less The Value Chain Deliver value. Once people perceive value, then we have  likely to earn a click back and more so the next step is to meet value engagement than mere on-topic matching likely to create relating to the value proposition. For example, buying SEO services is a risk. Customers want to know if the money they spend is going to give them a return.

So a valuable article might be a case

Study on how the company provided return on spend in the past, and the process by which it will achieve similar results in future. Another example might be a buyer concerned about the reliability of a make of car. A page dedicated to reliability comparisons, and another page outlining the customer care after-sale plan would provide value. Note how these articles aren’t keyword driven, but Freight Forwarders Brokers Email List value driven. Ever come across a FAQ that isn’t really a FAQ? Dreamed-up questions? They’re frustrating, and of little value if the information doesn’t directly relate to the value we seek. Information should be relevant and specific so when people land on the site, there’s more chance they will perceive value, at least in terms of addressing the questions already on their mind.

Compare this approach with generic

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Copy around a keyword term.  A page talking about “SEO” in response to the keyword term. “SEO“might closely match a keyword term, so that’s a relevance match, but unless it’s tied into. Providing a customer the value they seek, it’s probably not of much use. Finding relevance matches is no longer a problem for users. Finding value matches often is. Even if you’re keyword focused, added ALB directory these articles provides you semantic variation that may capture keyword searches that aren’t appearing in keyword tools. Keyword relevance was a strategy devised at a time when information was less readily available and search engines weren’t as powerful. Finding something relevant was more hit and miss that it is today. These days, there’s likely thousands, if not millions.