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Make your content more helpful by answering frequently asked questions

FAQ sections are something we often add to the end of . blog posts. Here’s an example: Example FAQ section They’re a smart way to answer questions that people want to know but don’t really make sense to answer earlier in the content. Here’s one way to find them: Enter your topic in Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer . Go to the Matching terms report Toggle the  .Questions” tab Find “question” keywords, via Ahrefs . Keywords . Explorer It’s then just a case of skimming the questions for things that may be worth adding to an FAQ section on your page.

Give your content more balance with quotes from industry experts

If your industry is divided on something mentioned in your content, be transparent about it. For example, people in SEO are divided when it comes to whether authority or relevance matters more when building links. To showcase this in my guide to off-page SEO, I reached out to a few experts and asked for their opinion… Asking industry Office 365 Email List experts for quotes … then I included them in the post: Example of industry expert quotes in a blog post of mine Here’s a simple way to find experts if you’re not sure who to reach out to: Go to Ahrefs’ Content Explorer

Content outsourcing

Given how time-consuming writing content is, it’s tempting to just outsource it to freelancers. This is something we do with some articles at Ahrefs. Our small but talented network of freelance writers often write for the blog. And they wrote most of the content in our SEO glossary. That said, outsourcing isn’t as easy as it sounds. If it’s something you’re keen to do, read our guide to outsourcing to freelance writers. What next? Getting more eyeballs ALB Directory on your content is the next task. Learn how in our guide to content distribution.

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