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Director of Digital Pixel gives lecture to Digital

The director of Digital Pixel, Erik Willian, was invited by Centro Universitário Una to give a lecture to Digital Marketing students. The conversation was about conversion metrics on the internet, citing the importance of knowing how to capture data, transform it into metrics and from there make strategic decisions for campaigns and actions on the web. According to Erik, when data is well analyzed, it allows us to know what the consumer wants, to know what works and what doesn’t, removing decisions from the famous guesswork and increasing their effectiveness.

Addition to showing

The importance of knowing and collecting data, making decisions based on this, the conversation also aimed to awaken in students the need to analyze the results of digital marketing actions, since, for Erik, professionals in the field lack the ability to prove to its directors how beneficial investing in the web is. “Professionals Special Trade Contractors Email List are unable to show their directors how much their investments in the web have returned in terms of number of customers and sales” stated Erik. “It is for these and other reasons that.

The marketing department

The first to be cut during crises, as they have never proven their effectiveness with numbers and end up seen as dispensable, when in fact without them, companies’ revenues will fall to the ground.The conversation was marked by strong interaction, as students felt free to question, clarify doubts and add points, which  Alb Directory guided the talk. For the subject teacher, Gutenberg Almeida, moments of school-market integration are excellent opportunities for students to prepare even more for the challenges of the profession.

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