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Creating an Experience for

Your Product In a recent post Ihe benefits of business model along with some functional ways to achieve productization. A product, in and of itself is really only 1/2 of what you are selling to your clients. The other 1/2 of the equation is the “experience”. It sounds a bit “fluffy” but in my career as a service provider and in my purchasing history as a consumer the experience matters. I would even go so far as to say that in some very noticeable cases the experience can outweigh the product itself (to some extent anyways). These halves, the product and the experience, can cut both ways. Sometimes a product is so good that the experience can be average or even below average and the provider will still make out and sometimes the experience is so fantastic that an otherwise average or above average product is.

Elevated to what can be priced

As a premium product or service. Let’s get a few obvious variables out of the way first. It is understood that: Experience matters more to some people than others Experience matters more in certain industries than others The actual product matters more to some The actual product matters more in some industries If we stipulate that the 4 scenarios mentioned above are true, which they Motor Freight Transportation Email List are, it still doesn’t change the basic premise that you are probably leaving revenue and growth on the table if you settle on one side or the other. While it’s true that you can be successful even if your product to experience ratio is like a seesaw heavily weighted in one direction over the other, it is also true that you would probably be more successful if you made both the best each could be.

Defining Where Product Meets

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Experience I’ll layout a couple of examples here to help. Illustrate the point: The “Big Four” in the link research tools space. Ahrefs, Link Research Tools, Majestic, and Open Site Explorer. The two more well-known “tool reporting suites” Raven and Moz outside of much more expensive enterprise toolkits In my experience. Ahrefs has been the best combination of product and experience, especially lately. Their dataset continues to grow and recent UI changes have made it even easier to use. Exports are super fast and I’ve had quick and useful ALB directory interactions with their support staff. Perhaps it isn’t a coincidence that, from groups of folks I interact with and follow online, Ahrefs continues to pop up more often in conversation than not. To me, Majestic and Link Research.

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