Virulence with Which It Later

Have you ever wonder what would have happen to Gastón Acurio if he had follow his father’s (well-intention) wish by finishing his law degree? I believe that both Gastón Acurio and García Márquez would have been good lawyers, suddenly even excellent lawyers, yes, but frustrat. I would have lik to be able to ask Mr. Docker what do you really like to do? What is your passion? It’s true: I can’t do it. But I can ask you, what is your passion? What is that thing that you could do for hours and not feel that it is a job or an obligation but that you could do it with total pleasure, willingness and even for free? (don’t say sleep please).

Century the Magic

 It is difficult (or rare) to find teenagers or children who, from a very early age, already have a clear idea of ​​what they want to be in life. I think about the porter in the photo and wonder if perhaps, if he had had a place or institution to develop his skills (which most likely has nothing to do with books) he would have end up business database as a porter. I finish with this: the problem is not being a dockworker. No not at all. I think that if I had want to be a taxi driver or a hairdresser, I would be doing that now and not teaching classes (which is what I like), and I would do it with pleasure, with pleasure, with passion, trying to improve day by day.

Mountain and Who Was

business database

 And that is the crux of the matter: not all of us were born to be lawyers, doctors, nor were we all born to be farmers or stevores, but as long as what ALB Directory we do we do it with pleasure, dication and care, we will be in the trade or profession. correct, despite what society or our own family says The path to enjoyment or learning to enjoy, in those two small phrases could summarize the objective propos by the Russian writer Vladimir Nabokov in his Course in European Literature .

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