Video marketing is growing rapidly. Similarly, it is a versatile tool that can be used throughout the customer buying journey and is useful for establishing engagement through customer testimonials, informational videos, or brand videos. Recently, vidyard, the business video platform and partner of wsi, held its quarterly video sales and marketing summit. Fast forward: humanizing digital sales and marketing emphasized that both sales and marketing need “person-to-person” contact beyond the “business-to-business” standard. Participants learned how to build relationships and foster the trust and reassurance that buyers need before making a purchase.
The goal was to highlight the way video
can be used to humanize interactions. Below we share some of the most important presentations. Main reflections obtained from the presentations in fast forward as has been the case at previous fast forward summits, the speakers are experts in their fields. Todd Caponi, president of sales melon President Email Lists and author of the book the transparency sale , was the keynote speaker. To name just a few, the speaker list also included todd hartley, ceo of wirebuzz, sheena badani, senior director of marketing at gong, and adam perry, vice president of revenue enablement, demandbase.
Sellers spoil everything
the first step in convincing a prospect or potential partner that you have a genuine interest in helping them lies in the genuine interest you show. “Todd caponi in his presentation, salespeople ruin everything: lessons from the past to guide us in the now. Todd caponi takes the audience on a journey back in time, using humor to remember the days when being in sales was a profession that inspired confidence and admiration. He explores how technology has impacted the effectiveness and perception of sales and how technology is used today to create a better experience for shoppers. Reflections for the audience: it is critical that businesses take a fresh perspective on the role of sales technology in the sales process. Exploration of new ideas to establish the priorities in the sales backlog. Understanding how to develop legitimate empathy in the buyer’s brain. Video prospecting some of the most successful prospecting professionals in 2022 share
how they use video in their outbound efforts
to hit their quotas. In their prospecting with video top prospectors reveal their tips for boosting effectiveness and efficiency sessions , the speakers share what has worked for ALB Directory them and how they scale their efforts to submit hundreds of videos per month. They range from pre-recorded content to support outbound campaigns to targeted one-on-one videos! Reflections for the audience: you always have to look for new ideas for the use of video in outbound prospecting.
Tips for scaling video usage efficiently
Sample templates for video , email, subject lines, and more. ‘Red alert moments’ where videos can accelerate sales remote selling superstar Todd Hartley shares his tips and tricks for identifying ‘red flag moments’ during a sales process and how to use video to address them. In his presentation on how to identify red flag moments where video can accelerate sales , the audience learns about using video to provide clarity, shift perspectives, and quickly build consensus with key stakeholders. Reflections for the audience: a framework for identifying key moments when video can speed up the sales process.