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The top traits of a good B2B copywriter

Once you understand the power of copywriting, the next step is ensuring you harness that power for your own marketing efforts.

Even in bigger companies that have an

entire marketing department, there is no copy specialist. Copy is something marketers are expected to do as part of their role. But in reality, it’s a completely different skillset.

While some marketers might also be proficient armenia whatsapp number data copywriters, it shouldn’t be a given. Before you give someone the role of writing copy (or take it on yourself), you want to make sure they have these traits as a minimum:

A strong foundation –

this might sound obvious, but it shouldn’t be overlooked. Strong writing and communication skills – including a good understanding of grammar, flow, and copyediting – is incredibly important. Anyone undertaking copy work needs a good base copywriting for b2b: 5 ways it can be used to improve your marketing understanding of the written word.
Familiarity with buyer’s journey – you want copy to feed the buyers journey (the right message at the right time, remember?) To make this happen, whoever is writing copy needs to have a strong understanding of each stage of the journey so they can customise the message to suit.
Understanding of your business (and your customers) – this includes a good grasp on your products/services, the problems you solve, plus your preferred writing style, tone, and branding. Just as important is insight into your prospects – target antarctica business directory industries and roles, how they feel and what they think about the problem you solve and your business (if it all). Being able to get into the mind of the buyer (rather than the perspective of the seller) is key.

Flexibility – copy styles will constantly

change depending on tactic, platform, and prospect. An email asking a CEO for a meeting will sound much different than a social post positioning your business. A good writer will know this – and will be able to change as the intent does.
An eye on the trends – the goal posts are always moving when it comes to copy, so it’s important to stay on top of the latest tactics, trends, and stats. You want a writer who is always learning, testing, and figuring out what works best.
Work with B2B copywriters on your marketing
It’s obvious that great, purposeful copywriting is not something everyone can do (although you can learn!) And it’s certainly not something you should be skimping on.

As the saying goes, copy is king.

Use it well and you could enjoy a better return on your marketing effort, boosted engagement, a stronger brand, and a whole lot of saved time (to name a few).

It’s no wonder 64% of B2B businesses are outsourcing their copywriting** – proof that if you want to create great content and copy for your B2B business, you don’t have to wing it yourself.

Align.me work with dozens of businesses – from Aussie SMEs to global enterprises – to help them create and publish great copy. Our expert team can help you come up with new ideas, create great assets, and then send them out into the world to help lift your thought leadership, promote your products and services, and increase your sales.

You can contact us today to discuss how we can help you make great sales and marketing.

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