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Schema for Schema What is Structured Data

When preparing content for a website, we must first of all find the right balance between usefulness for the user and compliance with search engine requirements.

Effective SEO activities will allow us to significantly increase the visibility of the website in search results, which should result in a greater number of visits and an increase in profits from the website.

For This Purpose, It is Worth Not Only Refining. The Content in Terms of Key Phrases and Ensuring. The Readability and Attractiveness. Of the Website, but Also Using More Advanced Tools. Many of Them Directly. Relate to the Website’s Code – Including Structured. Data, or Schema Markup, Which Are Placed. In Html Tags.

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What is structured data? This is information about the content of the website, which should be organized in a specific way, in accordance with the standards Whatsapp Number List recognized by search engines – one of them is Schema.org. Structured data is a way for various types of algorithms to better “understand” the meaning of content.

A common example of their use is various numerical values. For the reader, the information that the preparation of a dish according to a given recipe will take 30 minutes will be fully understandable, but for the search engine “30” is simply a number.

Computer programs cannot contextualize the meaning of various pieces of information without the additional help provided by schema markup.

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How to prepare a meta description for Google SEO?
First of all, remember to include keywords in your Google SEO ALB Directory description. However, it is important that they are placed there naturally, in a way that will not raise any objections from customers.

Too much saturation of the description with key phrases may have the opposite effect and lower the value of the page in the search engine.

It is Also Important That the Descriptions. Are Unique, Fit Within a Certain Number. Of Characters and Have Content Adequate to the Message. It is Worth Containing. The So-called Power Words, Expressions. That Engage Users. All this has a positive impact on SEO.

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