contact name: Ronald Felstead
contact job function details:
contact job function:
contact job title:
contact job seniority:
contact person city: Cape Town
contact person state: Western Cape
contact person country: South Africa
contact person zip code: 7925
business name: Ronald Felstead
business domain:
business facebook URL:
business linkedin:
business twitter:
business website:
business angellist:
business found year:
business city: Colchester
business zip code: CO2 8WZ
business state: England
business country: United Kingdom
business language: English
business employee: 0
joe clayton ceo and executive director
business category: finance
business specialty: financial services
business technology: php_5_3,google_font_api,apache,google_analytics,bootstrap_framework,mobile_friendly
business description: Deneb is a diversified business that has four focus areas, namely:Properties – management of the Deneb Group’s property portfolio (Seardel Group Properties);Branded Product Distribution – sourcing and distribution of branded products. The businesses operating in this segment include Prima Toys, Prima Interactive, The Empire Group, Seartec, Limtech, Office Box and Brand ID;Industrials – manufacturing of specialised industrial products for the building, agriculture, mining and automotive industries. The businesses operating in this segment are Gold Reef Speciality Chemicals, Brits Automotive Systems and Brits Non-Woven, Integrated Polypropylene Products and Custom Extrusion; andTextiles – manufacturing of quality fabric and household textiles. The Deneb Group’s textile investments include Romatex Home Textiles, Frame Knitting Manufacturers and Winelands Textiles.