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Ice Breaking is an activity carried out to lighten the atmosphere in the office

The increasingly piling office work and also several targets that must be complete make every employee feel bore. Well, ice breaking is one way that can be done to eliminate boreom and also refresh the mind and energy in between work time.

So, what is ice breaking? What are its benefits? And what are the activities carrie out in Ice Breaking activities? Find the answers by reading this article about ice breaking until the end.

What is Ice Breaking?

Ice Breaking is an activity that is done to be able to melt the existing atmosphere. This term comes from two English syllables, which means icebreaker. This phrase is often use in an activity to be able to eliminate various existing boreom.

Ice breaking activities are activities that can be done at seminars, office environments or organizations. This ice breaking activity is able to break the tense atmosphere and conditions and is able to improve the quality between each coworker or seminar participant.

The Right Time for Ice Breaking

Usually, office hours will start from 08.00 to 17.00. Well, ice breaking can be done in between lunch time, around 12.00 or after lunch. Before employees continue their work again, this ice breaking activity can be done to increase employee work enthusiasm again.

1. Guess the Product Logo

Guess the picture in the ice breaking game is a game that aims to increase employee knowlege regarding product logos that they generally wear or see.

The way to play is to prepare some product logos or images that can be printe or displaye on a projector. Then, give instructions to employees to form a line.

Next, display the logo and let employees guess it until they are correct. If someone manages to guess the image tightly, then that person can be invite to sit down. But if someone is wrong, then they are given a punishment such as scribbling on their face with a marker and cannot be erase until the work hours are over.

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2. Connect Words

The ice breaking word game is a game that requires each employee to make sentences from words that have previously been mentione to each employee.

For how to play it, please gather all employees in one room or it can also be done at their workplace. Direct one of the employees to say one word.

After that, the next employee must mention each word that has been previously said and say one word until they succee in making a sentence. If there is a mistake in saying the word, then the person must be given a punishment.

This game will be able to train the concentration and memory of employees.

3. Games ‘Boss Says’

In this game, each employee will be traine to listen and concentrate on just 1 voice command. This game requires one guide who acts as the king.

The way to play is to appoint one person who plays the role of the boss and then give a certain order. Employees will be aske to carry out the boss’s order if only at the beginning there is the word the boss said. For example, “the boss said hold your ear” then the employee must hold his ear.

If the order does not begin with the words “The boss said” then the employee may not carry out the order the boss said.

4. Who is he?

Ice breaking games are games that will make employees and coworkers get to know each other better.

The way to play it is by inviting an employee to introduce the name and division where he works. Then, the next employee will be aske to mention the name and division of the previous employee and then continue by introducing his name and division as well.

If an employee is unable to name a coworker or division, he or she must ask the employee directly.

5. True-False Formula

This ice breaking game will rely more on one person acting as a guide and will train the employee’s concentration level.

How to play it is to focus on the true-false email data formula. One person who is appointe will guide the game and explain the game. each employee will be aske to face the guide in front.

If the guide says “open close”, then every employee must answer it with the word “open-open” why? because the formula of this game is “true-false”. Every guide has the right to change the formula as desire, for that this game will train employee concentration.

6. Counting

The ice-breaking counting game is a game that does not ask employees to solve math problems, but will ask employees to replace numbers with multiples of two to form the word door.

How to play, gather all employees in one phone number mx employee in their guide to follow the instructions. Ask them to start counting from number 1, but if there is a number that has a multiple of two, then it must be replace with “door”.

For example, the first employee will be aske to count from one and the next employee will be aske to say the word “door”, then the next employee can continue counting. The guide can freely change the multiple numbers, such as three or four.

7. Keywords

The purpose of the ice breaking keyword game is to test the level of employee accuracy by listening to the story from the guide and listening to the keywords that have been mentione by the guide.

How to play it, give an order to one employee to face the guide who will tell the story. Previously, the guide must give a keyword that if mentione the employees must answer “can, can yes”

For example, the keyword is “developing”, so every time the guide says that word, each employee must be able to answer the keyword that was previously directe.


Thus is our complete explanation about ice breaking. So, ice breaking is an activity that is done to be able to lighten the existing atmosphere and is generally done in seminar activities, office environments or organizations.

By doing this activity, every employee will not feel bore and can be more enthusiastic in doing their duties. Thus, their productivity level will increase and provide maximum benefits for the company.

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