contact name: Brian Makowske
contact job function details: consulting
contact job function: Store and Customer Experience Advocacy Team
contact job title: Vice President
contact job seniority: strategy store customer experience advocacy
contact person city: vp
contact person state: Baltimore
contact person country: Maryland
contact person zip code: United States
business name:
business domain: Wells Fargo
business facebook URL: (800) 956-4442
business linkedin:
business twitter:
business website:
business angellist:
business found year:
business city:
business zip code: San Francisco
business state: 94104
business country: California
business language: 97687
business employee: United States
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business category: English
business specialty: finance
business technology: business banking, wholesale banking, mortgage, consumer finance, commercial finance, financial services
business description: office_365,tubemogul,adobe_marketing_cloud,apache_coyote,coremetrics,microsoft-iis,apache,valueclick_mediaplex,mobile_friendly,apache_coyote_v1_1,asp_net