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Agile methodology for development projects

An increasingly dynamic, digital and world demands rapid responses to customer demands, which requires more efficient and flexible processes. It was from this that the agile software development methodology, or Agile, , which has momentum in recent years.

This methodology from the Agile Software Development Manifesto in 2001, a document that is still a reference today, detailing principles and good practices that aim for faster, higher-quality deliveries, according to the client’s .

Basic values ​​of agile methodology

Agile methodologies work with clear divisions of work by stages and in constant communication with the client, which guarantees dynamic interaction that greatly helps teams.

It has 4 basic values, which must be by teams:

Basic principles of agile methodology

The agile methodology also has 12 principles, which are:It is essential to be simple. It is essential to master the art of maximizing the amount of work not done.
The best architectures, designs, and requirements emerge from self-organizing teams;
The team reflects at regular intervals on how to become more effective and can then adjust their behavior.

Main agile methodologies used

Agile methodology is a broad term that encompasses other methodologies from it, using this concept of agile cambodia phone number list mindset, with some adaptations in its practices. Here are some of them:

Of the various agile methodology frameworks, scrum is the most widely . It is by sprints, which are stages of project development. It is also in the business world, in an way.

One of its main features are daily 15-minute meetings, which are  “ daily meetings”, with the aim of synchronizing activities and finding the best way to plan the team’s work.

Feature-Driven Development (FDD)

This methodology focuses on functionalities, which gives the team the opportunity to carry out incremental ceo branding communication on linkedin: the digital reputation of managers planning. with Scrum, it offers better performance, since it focuses on the development process, while Scrum focuses on management.

It is a method for projects that will inevitably undergo changes, and allows for agility in these processes.

FDD begins with a global analysis of the business, then moves on to detailing the product with subdivisions with areas to be . Then planning is done on the list of features and then the detailing, according to the client’s , which is why continuous contact with the client is essential.

This method is using a table or chart with column divisions, which shows the production flows of a project and allows everyone to see what stage a work is at. In general, it is done with basic columns such as: “to do”, “doing” and “done”.

Lean Development

This methodology to software development derives from a strategy by Toyota, Lean Manufacturing. The list provider automotive manufacturer’s method offers a conceptual framework and follows guidelines that can be to the agile model, such as best practices, values ​​and principles.

Extreme Programming (XP)

It has three pillars: agility in developing the solution, quality and saving resources.

An agreement on attitudes and behaviors guides the team’s actions in each activity , which guarantees the integration and synergy necessary for the good development of the activities.

Rational Unified Process (RUP)

This methodology seeks to meet users’ with high-quality production, within a and budget that can be .

In RUP, who is responsible for what, how and when activities should be must be clearly . All development goals must also be in a very specific manner.

VitaminaWeb cares about the best user experience

You’ve seen a little about some of the most widely  agile methodologies, but there are others. The agile methodology is an effective and efficient way to deliver the best results, in a  manner and within the client’s aspirations.

VitaminaWeb is a company that is always looking for the best ways to deliver the satisfaction its customers desire. The company works together as a whole to provide the best experience for users as a final result and is with all the steps until the project is .

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