Have you ever thought about how powerful offline communication can be in your sales-oriented communication strategy? In this article you can reflect on offline communication and the importance of telephone sales.
Today we are used to thinking of corporate communication as a moment possible only through digital channels such as email, social networks, apps. The world is made up of various facets just as business is full of different nuances, but nothing is more variable than customers. By convention we talk about targets and the so-called buyer personas that guide us to understand the diversity of potential users. Each user is like a traveler: they begin their journey towards knowledge of a good or service by going through various intermediate stages before reaching a choice. In these intermediate stages the traveler arrives with the need to satisfy different needs and with different degrees of awareness. To satisfy the new needs that arise during a journey you cannot use a single tool, which is why you cannot think of delegating communication exclusively to digital tools. If you want to integrate offline communication you can consider including telephone contact.
When you have to communicate something very important, do you do it through a WhatsApp group or do you take your smartphone and call? There are communications that are easier and more necessary to communicate through voice and therefore through a call.
Communicating on the phone is always a winning practice.
The integration between online and offline, therefore between email, letters, telephone is fundamental. Increasing the possibilities of contact means increasing the possibility of making agreements of various kinds: contracts, telephone reminders, making appointments or a simple thank you call aimed at loyalty and much more. Integration enhances the result! Offline communication and the importance of telephone contact could be a winning point in a certain phase of the customer journey.
Is there a right time for offline communication and for telephone contact?
There are times when a user might need to receive a call. Think of a user you have managed to convert into a customer, but who has not returned to use your service/product despite the various offers proposed via email or message. It could be a customer who had also spent a considerable amount. Why not make a call? Did something go wrong? Were there some doubts that did not convince him to return? Do you want to simply communicate special offers in view of your customer’s birthday? Do you want to communicate the reopening of your business with a nice welcome call? Telephone sales are not an outdated practice, in fact, they can be your winning card at specific times. To manage various calls, it is essential to have a call center management system that records everything that happens during a call: name, surname, services used, call duration, statistics, etc. etc. To work professionally, it is necessary to keep track of data in order to improve your work activities.
Compared to messaging services, you have the opportunity to explain, converse and cultivate a relationship.
There are many reasons why you might want to make a call. The important thing is to understand the right moment to make it. Every action must be performed in a certain way precisely at the moment in which the user is at a certain stage of his journey.
The customer journey is a fundamental concept to take into account. Getting the timing wrong could also undermine the potential of the tool used and compromise its effectiveness with the consequent birth of prejudices. How many times do we throw in the towel saying: this service is useless, I used it and it didn’t work. Are you sure you used the tool correctly? Did you use it at the right time and within a strategy?
Don’t have enough manpower to start mass calls to your customers? Automations now also concern phone calls. The crm4bot , for example, is a service that sends a series of automatic calls to the phone list. A predefined message can communicate anything: announce a promotion, schedule an appointment and much more.
Don’t underestimate the power of a phone call, there is no better strategy than one that integrates online and offline.