How many projects can be carried out in parallel

Do you remember when I told you about how I was going to organize myself to run 5 projects in parallel ? Specifically, these projects are (or were) Quondos, my blog,, and The solidarity project fell apart and was replaced by Bilinguate, which I also recently decided to stop. parallel projectsPhoto rights by Fotolia I will soon do the same with the marathon blog, changing it for one that I will launch from scratch. I will explain this later. I practically do nothing with Cursobloggers.

com and I only use it as a satellite project

to promote others. Rankingbull has joined and will soon launch new auctions again (after being a bit on hold following the launch of the new Quondos website). Next week I will start Amashipping together with Alex. The key to carrying out many canada whatsapp number data projects is to find synergies At the time I said that the key was to prioritize, plan, outsource, collaborate and find synergies. Today I would add “discard”. Now I will launch 6 new blogs starting with this one . In reality it is the division of my blog into 7 parts. What used to be a personal blog, tomorrow will be several.

Since it is practically doing the

same thing but in different places, it does not entail much more work. The “trick” of carrying out many projects in parallel is 40% finding synergies and 20% knowing how to discard in time when it does not make sense to continue. So it is not so much the bulk lead number of projects that creates the difficulty but the number of different projects. Think about the following. You are going to see a client to whom you offer a product for which you already.


have a series of users that offers

an attractive profitability. In this case, your offer does not cover their needs and you realize that this is not the first case you have encountered. Two different how to reach more customers when you hit the ceiling projects in parallel can be too much You could develop, outsource or resell an existing solution to avoid losing this customer that you have not been able to reach so far. To continue growing, you need to have meetings with new potential users. With the new project, you can cover 90% of your customers’


needs without having to make a much

greater effort. Everyone talks about focus, but they don’t really tell you what it means. How many projects can be run in parallel (well)? Well, it depends on whether they have enough synergies or are very different. My quick count now is 10 parallel projects that all have synergies because they generate content for Quondos (my main project with which everything I do has to fit). If I had one of these that would consist of selling, for example, artisanal products in a physical store, it would be too much because the synergies in this case would be zero. You have to focus on a theme, not necessarily on projects. But this will

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