Kanban At the present stage

Kanban is consider a particularly popular methodology. Which consists of using a virtual board by a team, divid into certain stages of work. All participants see the status of existing tasks: in progress, undergoing testing, etc. Here it is possible to take on urgent tasks imm iately, without waiting for a new sprint to begin. Pros and cons The advantages are as follows: the work process is transparent; there is an opportunity to interact with the team and adapt to each other; prompt identification of problem areas and possible risks; significant r uction in meeting time.

There are some downsides:

There are no specific deadlines; possible difficulties in setting priorities; the method may not be suitable for creating some programs; It is necessary to chinese australia constantly improve the level of knowl ge. Who is it suitable for? The methodology is suitable for developments that are not limit by strict time frames, detail , step-by-step planning with official, documentary registration. If such conditions are absent, then it is successfully us in: production, for example, to avoid overproduction of products.

special data

IT developments, helping to manage all processes more efficiently;

Sales, tracking progress, uniting employees Dubai don ƙara madaidaicin from several departments. Ucation, for working with ucational sites, etc.; healthcare, where in m ical institutions Kanban together with CRM and warehouse automation facilitates patient registration and card processing. Extreme Programming (XP) Another approach that involves teamwork and fe back.

The main principles of XP are to focus

On the client’s requirements and wishes, and bulk lead to encourage developers to approach their work creatively. Testing and code quality control play a major role in implementing extreme programming. This is necessary to eliminate possible errors and quickly launch a quality product. Pros and cons Let’s look at the positive aspects: Projects are complet within a few months, as subtasks are solv quickly.

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