The hierarchy of all the benefits

Building your online course business with WordPress + MemberPress is owned by .

All you have to do is choose a FREE WordPress Theme reclame su nombre de dominio , instalar MemberPress y BOOM , tienes su propia plataforma LMS .

Now let’s move on to the course features that our creators are so excited about.

ReadyLaunch™ replaces Classroom mode

If you use the MemberPress Courses plugin, you may be familiar with Modo Aula .

El nuevo ReadyLaunch™ built-in pager goes beyond Classroom Mode.

ReadyLaunch™ Account Page Courses Tab
Just like Classroom Mode, it automatically styles e-commerce specific services your courses, lessons, and quizzes. BUT, it applies this same style to all of your MemberPress pages ¡también!

Now all your MemberPress pages.

e-commerce specific services

Mobile response

Optimizado para vender
…and beautiful. All with codificación cero .

Mobile Responsive MemberPress ReadyLaunch™ Pages
ReadyLaunch™ pages automatically respond to mobile devices.
Since ReadyLaunch™ replaces Classroom Mode, you will need to update your MemberPress Courses Addon. But don’t worry! It’s very easy.

Just go to your WordPress agb directory Dashboard > Plugins > MemberPress Courses, and update.

That’s it… everything is ready

If you don’t see the update available right away, wait a few hours and check back. You can always contact support for assistance.

Drag and Drop Curriculum Builder
All the brainstorming, lesson planning, and განვითარების პროცესის კონტექსტში writing course content takes a lot of time and effort. Putting it online shouldn’t.

Transforme el material de su curso en una experiencia en línea atractiva e intuitiva con nuestro Curriculum Builder . Build lessons, quizzes, and design your entire curriculum in minutes, not months:

MemberPress Drag and Drop Resume Builder
Diseñado específicamente para trabajar con el Editor de Bloques de WordPress, nuestro Curriculum Builder básicamente builds your course for you en un proceso fácil de seguir, paso a paso.

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