New articles publish can be indexed by Google

Her website, World Adventurer, is dedicated to sustainable adventure travel in the region and receives nearly two million pages a year. “My biggest tip for growing a travel blog is to become an expert on a destination or region and build your blog around that area. Now that Google is focusing more on EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authority and Trust), you need to demonstrate that you know a destination well. A single week’s parachute visit is not enough; you have to become the authority of that place. 

Google knows that I have strong experience in the destinations

The strategy is twofold. Firstly, it is really beneficial from an SEO perspective. My website,  Email List Worldly Adventurer, is heavily focused on Patagonia and the Latin American continent in general. New articles I publish can be indexed by Google and placed on the first page within a day. Google knows that I have strong experience in the destinations I write about and that I am an authoritative and reliable voice that deserves to be high up in search results.

They are a trusted source that they stick with when exploring the region

Secondly, and most importantly, my clear expertise on just one destination – and not the whole world – means that my readers can truly rely on the information I ALB Directory provide and the suggestions I make. They are a trusted source that they stick with when exploring the region.” Henry’s purchase Henry Purchase is the head of organic growth at Menuzen, a digital platform that helps restaurants scale their businesses by providing them with a complete system for managing menus, pricing and promotions. 

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