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Lead Magnet: Tips for Creating Effective Ones

Did you know that for Lead Generation campaigns, or contact acquisition, you can save on the investment by creating Lead Magnets that “convert”?

In this article you will discover in detail what a Lead Magnet is and you will find tips and ideas for creating interesting ones that are suitable for your target.

What is a Lead Magnet and what is it used for?
A Lead Magnet is a piece of content, usually free , that encourages people to leave their email address.

If created effectively, they are a marketing tool that allows us to transform paid traffic into owned traffic.

Why acquire people’s email contact?

To build a sustainable online marketing ecosystem , we need to implement strategies that can reduce traffic acquisition costs . Especially if we have little budget to dedicate to online advertising.

More and more companies decide to invest in online marketing; therefore, the competitive factor will bring the CPM to ever higher prices. If the CPM increases, it will become increasingly expensive to reach our audience. This would force us to invest more budget in Facebook Advertising and Linkedin Ads . However, we must take into account that a greater investment in advertising campaigns could eliminate all the margins we have on the products or services we offer.

I cannot deny that it is essential to use tools to identify our ideal customers through targeting . In fact, by creating sponsored ads we can get the details of our audience through tools such as Facebook Pixel and Linkedin Insight Tag .

But once we do that, we need to use less expensive tactics to re-engage with users over time.

Email marketing remains the best tool available to optimize our advertising investment.

Benefits of Email Marketing

Although many people think that email marketing is an ineffective strategy, statistics show the exact opposite. In fact, direct contact with the customer through emails brings several benefits:

We can contact the user without limits . In fact, in addition to the subscription to the email marketing platform and the cost of our time, we have no other costs. Furthermore, these are costs that we can organize and schedule.
It guarantees us privacy and intimacy with the reader, allowing us to be more persuasive.
It allows us to automate processes . In fact, once we have set up our Automatic Emails , we can dedicate ourselves to analysis and strategy to monitor and improve the results.

Users’ doubts
We must consider that most people who impact our advertising message for the first time, do not have the possibility to buy immediately . In fact, they may not have a credit card at hand; or they need to evaluate the offer and compare it with others. But let’s also ask ourselves some doubts about our work: have we been clear enough in drafting the conditions or terms of service?

There may be several reasons that can cause a customer to postpone a purchase , even if it is driven by emotion.

Also, consider that each person may be in a different moment of awareness when they first come into contact with our brand.

Were they looking for our product online? Informed demand . Or were we very good with our advertising campaign at stimulating their desire to buy? Latent demand .

If you want to learn more about the fundamental questions to create effective advertising campaigns, you can read my article on the subject.

The target: the basis for creating an effective Lead Magnet

As always, we need to invest in a good target analysis . Before thinking about what type of content to include in our strategy, we need to ask ourselves the usual and essential questions:

What does our audience ask for?
What are the needs and requirements?
To answer it is essential to work on a good analysis of the search keys we can use tools like Answer the public or investigate the Google SERP by checking the sections “People also ask” and “Related searches”.

people also ask for effective lead magnets
Related searches to understand lead magnet topics
Next, it’s important to work in communities and online research to uncover the nuances surrounding certain questions. The goal is to tap into the conversations of our target market.

Last step: competitor analysis . In fact, we cannot skip this step if we want to avoid proposing something already seen.

Originality always pays, but it depends!

My advice is to stick with things that work. For example, if you have an Ecommerce, you can experiment with different Lead Magnets, but usually the discount on the first purchase will remain the most powerful lever.

Right now, one of the best marketing and advertising resources in the area is the El Salvador Mobile Database. Businesses in a variety of industries have made extensive use of our El Salvador Mobile Database website for how to build phone number list marketing and promotional activities. We are dedicated to giving our clients the best possible service, making sure that their marketing initiatives use targeted cellphone numbers to reach the appropriate population. Our database, which has an extensive and current collection of contacts, is made to assist businesses in increasing their outreach and improving engagement, which will ultimately lead to growth and success.

How to Build Phone Number List

How many and what types of Lead Magnets to use?

The choice of the type and factors influencing online purchasing decisions quantity of Lead Magnet depends on the needs and requirements of your audience. Here are some examples:

First part of a video course
White paper
Statistics and research
Case study
Modules and templates
Discounts and trial versions
The choice of the Lead Magnet goes ch leads hand in hand with the variety of people’s needs and the stage of the Funnel in which we propose it.

For the beginning of the funnel, discounts, ebooks and webinars are ideal for people who have just met us, i.e. for a cold audience.

For the need to realize the conversion, the Lead Nurturing, instead, there will be other solutions depending on the case. That is, additional Lead Magnets, such as guides and case studies, allow people to have all the information available to convince themselves to buy.

Ideas for creating Lead Magnets

I like to define Lead Magnets as delicious for people and quick for us to make. Here are some ideas to help you make them.

First idea
We create a database of links relevant to our industry. A Lead Magnet must be immediately usable and must provide immediate value. This also means saving your audience time and effort. Many times, in fact, people do not know how to search for the right information they need online.

Let’s take an example: I write an article about some specific tactics for Customer Engagement , that is, the involvement of the audience. In this case, a well-curated list of verified and learnable links could be a Lead Magnet that adds value to my article.

Second idea
Let’s convert our most popular blog post into a PDF. This is a really simple resource. We take our most read blog post, and we turn it into a nicely designed PDF. In fact, changing the format will make it feel more valuable and allow the user to save it and read it offline or print it.

Third idea

Let’s take a series of articles we’ve written on a topic and turn them into a mini guide.

Fourth idea
We make one or more video tutorials of our products or services. We can upload them to YouTube in hidden mode and provide the link via email. In addition, they are also perfect materials for ads, if used in remarketing.

Fifth idea

Let’s prepare a short Q&A session. That is, we take the 2-3 most common questions about our product or service and answer them in a video.

Sixth idea
We give you some time by offering a free consultation. I advise you, however, to be careful because it is almost always a double-edged sword, especially if you use it on a cold audience.

How do you implement a Lead Magnet on your site?

If you use a professional email marketing tool like Klaviyo you can create pop-ups. These can work in exit, that is when the user is about to leave the site, or in entry when the web page loads. Alternatively, we can insert banners in our blog articles that have a landing link on a contact form.

Finally, you can add copy above the forms that highlights the download of our Lead Magnet.

Finally, what is the best Lead Magnet?
What solves our target’s problems and converts the best quality of contacts, at the lowest cost.

Lead Magnets are part of Email Marketing strategies and these, as you will have understood, are activities that should not be overlooked. Every online project needs to have Email Marketing as its main ally.

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