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Email Marketing Engagement: 10 Ways to Get People

Email marketing has been and remains one of the most effective tools of internet marketing, which requires a lot of effort and energy. Of course, no one wants to see low engagement, especially after putting in the effort into mass mailing.

If you want to increase your engagement rate and get those much-desired clicks on your CTA buttons, use these 10 tips to help boost your email marketing effectiveness.

What is engagement in email marketing?

Engagement rate in email marketing is how actively users interact with your emails. This rate depends on a number of different metrics, including open rate, click-through rate, opt-in/unsubscribe rate, and conversion rate.

Monitoring email engagement can help you determine how effective your email marketing is.

If you are unable to achieve your goals, use proven methods to increase your engagement rate.

10 Ways to Increase Email Marketing Engagement

1. Always send a welcome email

In most cases, the first email to a client is a welcome email. The average open rate for such emails is 50%, making them much more effective than regular newsletters.

According to statistics, 76% of people expect to receive a welcome email immediately after subscribing. As you can see, its importance is hard to overestimate, so be sure to use it to the fullest.

2. Optimize your email subject lines

About 47% of people open emails based primarily on the subject line. Choosing the right subject line for your newsletters is very important.

It can be said that the success of the entire email campaign depends on the chosen subject line. But what distinguishes a bad subject line from a good one?

The best approach to creating subject lines that get your emails opened (and not marked as spam) is to appeal to common human emotions, including:

  • curiosity;
  • Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO)
  • humor.

Use FOMO in your email subject line to let the reader know that the great offer is only available for a limited time.

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