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Christmas Marketing Ideas

We don’t understand that “Christmas and New Year are here” just by looking at the calendar. The color red plays everywhere, gold dust and snowflakes decorate the sites and gifts flood social media. What did you do to promote your business during the holidays? If you haven’t done anything or you’ve run out of ideas we’re here to give you some Christmas marketing ideas !

Take a look at the list below, find the one that best suits your business and put it into action. Hohohoho!

Christmas Marketing Ideas

Have you created a festive atmosphere either through your social media or your website? It is the basis for any marketing around Christmas.

The possibilities are endless. You can share an update new data that shows you are getting ready for the most amazing season of the year. Alternatively, you can post photos of your Christmas stocking or Christmas products you are making.

The right choice for such posts is anything that fills you with joy and is related to Christmas. After all, Christmas and happy vibes go together!

Have a festive contest

new data

Christmas is a season of gifts so what better than giving gifts! Run a social media contest of your product or service for your audience.

Holiday contests are one of the best Christmas marketing ideas and require the least amount of work on your part. All you need to do is post asking users ALB Directory to leave a comment. You can put a specific product or let your audience choose. Even if you provide services you can give your service as a gift during the holidays. For example a session package if you are a life coach or a holiday treatment if you have a beauty salon.


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