5 Irrational Fears that Keep Bloggers from Being Successful

Posted By Guest Blogger 3rd of May 2016 General  0 Comments


This is a guest contribution from Brian Lang of Small Business Ideas Blog.

According to an article in the NY Times, 95% of blogs get abandoned within four months, and blogging has a higher failure rate than even restaurants.

Yet, an estimated 172,000+ blogs are uae phone number started every day. Succeeding with blogging can allow writers to grow their influence and be able to generate income doing what they love.

I’ve found that success in business, blogging and in life comes from having the right mindset. Our mindset dictates how we make decisions and the choices we make are often the difference between succeeding and failing.

The fears that hold us back

One thing that bloggers must do to succeed is to develop the right mindsets and overcome fears that hold us back. Here are some of the irrational fears that keep bloggers from being successful.

1. Fear of hard work

Blogging is a lot of hard work and it was a lot more work than I anticipated when I first got started. I found that I had to spend more time on content creation and promotion than I initially anticipated, especially if I wanted my blog to stand out.

Doing SEO, building relationships with other bloggers and product creation are just a few other things that bloggers have to spend time on.

A lot of people start blogs thinking it will be updated 2024 mobile phone number data easy. But once people realize that blogging is hard work, many people get overwhelmed and quit.

People automatically gravitate towards laziness. We tend to like things that are simple, easy and fun.

But successful people are able to stay disciplined and put in the required time and hard work to reach their goals.

A couple of ideas to help you stay focused include meeting up with other local bloggers and forming a mastermind group or getting a blogging mentor or coach. Begin surrounded by like-minded individuals can help.

Tip: Be willing to commit to your blog’s success and schedule time to work on blogging regularly. It is a lot of hard work up front, but blogging can be very rewarding over the long term.

2. Fear of competition

updated 2024 mobile phone number data

A lot of people start their blogs thinking that readers will automatically find them. But new bloggers soon realize that blogging is not that easy and that there’s a lot of competition.

Comparing yourself to the competition can be intimidating. Some influential bloggers have spent years building up their audience, so the required time commitment can be scary.

Or sometimes newbie bloggers might feel like the competition is more skilled at content creation and promotion.

Successful bloggers know that they have Nola erregistratu eta erabili ChatGPT Txinan arazorik gabe a lot of value to offer to the world. And even though competition exists, a good blogger can always find his or her audience.

Tip: Don’t obsess over the competition and remember that you will keep getting better with time. Just commit to growing your blog and learning as you go along.

3. Fear of selling

A lot of bloggers think they can make money with their blog by just throwing up some ads or inserting some affiliate links into the articles. While this approach can work, it often requires a ton of traffic.


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